Sunday, January 25, 2015

Give Hugs

So in the Aggie parking terrace there is an elevator and it is by far thee sketchiest elevator I have ever rode in. It is right by the LLC which houses a bunch of freshman college students. Some of these college freshman are apparently very immature because they are ALWAYS writing and drawing inappropriate things inside the elevator. And the janitors are ALWAYS spray painting over the inappropriate things inside the elevator. So one day I went into the elevator, hoping I wouldn't die on the way up, and I found this lovely statement. I'm not sure if it could be classified as art, but it is pretty close, and also funny. 

P.S. Please do not do drugs.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hello Cold Days

Made this out of three almond roca wrappers the day after Christmas, because I was bored. 

I love embroidery. I found the picture of these mittens online, added the words, printed it off and copied it onto the cloth, then I embroidered it, and WaLa!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Crayon Art

There is a lady that I know that is a beast when it comes to crayon art. She can do so many cool designs, and she has them all over the wall. So basically she inspired me! I consider myself semi artsy, I mean I am an art major after all, so I was pretty excited to melt crayon on a canvas. 

 Well turns out it is a lot harder than it looks. They did not turn out as well as I would have liked. 
But hey, it was fun!! That's all that really matters right? Plus I got rid of a bunch of Crayons that my parents were accumulating. 

For an awesome tutorial on how to do basic crayon art click here.