Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Drawing 1 Part 1

These are the first half of the drawings from my drawing 1 class. I am not going to lie I did not particularly enjoy this class. 

This is line with graphite and egg wash.

Line with chalk pastel and an xacto knife.

Shape, I free cut the gray pieces of paper and glued them onto a black piece of paper, while looking at a stool.

Value with charcoal.

Value with graphite. 

Value using line on scratch board.

Value using line on scratch board.

Shape and value; I cut out the black pieces and glued them onto a gray piece of paper and then used chalk pastel for the value.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Apparently Guatemala has art too. Who would have thought? These pictures are of my missionary, Elder Andersen, in the Guatemala City South Mission.