Friday, April 24, 2015

2D Design Projects

These are all of the major projects for my 2D design class.

This project focussed on line, this is done with charcoal.

This project focussed on shape, this was done with spray paint and acrylic. The words, background, sun, and clouds are all spray paint, and the house and balloons are acrylic. This project was due right after I sprained my wrist snowboarding and so I had to use the spray paint with my left hand which is a lot harder than you would think.

This project was on value. I used India ink on muslin cloth and I did a different big city from each continent except Antarctica. Left to right top; New York, London, Tokyo, bottom; Rio De Janeiro, Johannesburg, Sydney.

This project was on texture and I did it right after I got the splint off of my wrist from when I sprained it, so my wrist was extremely sore from doing this project. I did water color on a paper bag. I got the paper bag from buying dry ice with which we made root beer, therefore I painted root beer on the bag. Also the texture word that I had to represent was frothy. To make the root beer look frothy I used embroidery floss and tied about a billion french knots, normally that is not a problem, but it is a lot harder to get a needle and thread through a strong brown paper bag . . . especially when your wrist is sprained. So I got close to no sleep that night due to all of the embroidering. 

This project was the most fun thing in the world. This was my final project so I had to follow the topic the unknown and I had to use a principle of color and three principles of design. When people say "the unknown" usually the first thing that pops into people's heads is fear and darkness, so I wanted to change that image of the unknown. So I took three things that are very unknown; Big Foot, The Loch Ness Monster, and Aliens, and made them fun and friendly and childlike. I painted them all with acrylic paint on canvas. 

By the way if anybody wants any of these things, especially the alien, nessie, or bigfoot, please please let me know. I have no use for them and would feel bad throwing them away. The unknown project could go in a child's bedroom or playroom. 

P.S. Don't ask for the Adventure is out there paintings because I reused them for the unknown project.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Well these are the lovely drawings that I did in one of the back rooms in the Merrill Cazier Library, instead of writing my English paper. I am a great procrastinator.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Principles of Design Book

This is my Principles of Design book. It is all water color and mostly ballpoint pen. I did not use any external sources for the subject matter in this project. This book was not quite as fun to make as my color book was, but I feel like it is a lot more organized and consistent. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

My Color Book About Buns

This is the color book that I made in my 2D design class. I learned a lot from making this book and really enjoyed the process of making it, even though I had to stay up till about 3 in the morning to finish it. I personally love the book that I have made, but no worries I am well aware of the flaws in this book. If I redid it, I would change a lot of things and make it much more consistent. Enjoy.

This is the cover of my book, we had to have something to keep the book closed, so I used a button.

This is done with India ink. It is a bun in the oven, get it?

Watercolor, sock bun.

Water color, messy bun.

These are the notes to the song "Hot Cross Buns", and this is done with acrylic and the fine lines were done with a 0.1 micron pen.

Fancy hot dog buns, colored pencil.

Cinnamon buns, colored pencil.

My roommate Krista's buns, chalk pastel.

Princess Leia buns, chalk pastel.

Monkey buns, acrylic paint. Sorry this definition makes no sense . . . it was pretty late.

Ballerina bun, acrylic paint.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Pieces In The Art Building

So the Fine Arts building on USU's campus has wonderful random pieces of student art in it at all times. These things are just a very small peak at all of the wonderful pieces of work.

This photo gives this map absolutely no justice, so I apologize for that. But just know in your heart that the water color on this map is amazing and it deserves a prize, or maybe just a blog post about it.

I have no idea how this happened, but I love it. I believe it is made out of saran wrap, yes the stuff that you put over your cookies to keep them fresh. 

These two are my favorite, it is my goal to be able to paint like this. I can't remember the name of the girl who did these, but she had a bunch of really cool paintings with neon paint and fun things like that. 

For one of the projects for my 2D design class we had to answer the question "what is the purpose of art?" on an 8 1/2 x 11 plane. These are what two of my class mates did. The one on the left is pretty much just a smart and lazy remark. The one on the right is a girl throwing up and it says why do I do this again? So I thought both of these were pretty funny. Especially since my teacher gave us the assignment super last minute.

This is a fun huge piece that can be very deceiving. It is basically an extension of the wall. But it is made mostly out of cardboard. I watched them make part of this and put it up and it was pretty amazing. 

There are so many other cool pieces in the art building, but sometimes I feel weird taking pictures of them, so if you want to see all of them I guess you just have to be an art student.